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Gold Shoelace Fundraiser for Childhood Cancer Awareness

Posted Date: 9/07/24 (1:45 PM)

Hello Everyone,

September is childhood cancer awareness month.  I am proud to announce that for the second straight year Pierson Athletics will be participating in the Daniela Conte Foundation's Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness campaign. 

If you have a child who will be playing a fall sport at Pierson, they will be asked to make a $3.00 donation to our fundraising page. All fall athletes will be receiving gold shoe laces to wear during games and practices.  The money we fundraise as a school will be going towards providing financial support to local families of children battling cancer.  

Anyone is welcome to make a donation, even those who are not participating in a fall sport this year.  Last year was a huge success as Pierson was one of the highest fundraising programs in Suffolk County.  Let's make this year's campaign just as successful! 

To access the Pierson Athletics fundraising page CLICK HERE

Thank you for helping support a great cause and please reach out if you have any questions.

-Brian Tardif