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Sag Harbor UFSD Mission Statement

The Sag Harbor School District in partnership with all members of the community is committed to equity in education; its mission is to provide students with a safe, child-centered environment which fosters personal, academic, and creative excellence. This will empower students to become responsible and respectful members of a global society. As lifelong learners, students will be prepared to move successfully to the next stage of their lives.

Early Childhood Philosophy and Vision Statement

Sag Harbor’s Pre-Kindergarten program recognizes that the development of the whole child is essential for learning to take place and that human development can be stimulated and encouraged, but not forced. We recognize that movement is an important component of pre-school learning and the modality through which learning takes place. We believe in creating learning experiences that promote the growth and development of all children, while accommodating each child’s unique needs, interests and abilities. Our goal and daily purpose is to provide a balanced, nurturing, stimulating and exploratory program rich in language, science, music, mathematics, motor, sensory, art, and dramatic experiences based in play. Cognitive learning is planned around these daily events and relates to themes and topics that are teacher directed and child initiated.

Important Contacts for Parents

To become involved or to learn more about the variety of ways you can help make a positive difference in your child’s education and in the education of all children, please inquire about or join in organizations that promote a home-school partnership.

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

Contacting a teacher via email:

Type the first letter of the first name followed by the last name, then

A Typical Day Arrival
Children are arriving and greeting teachers and classmates.

Meeting time

Songs, rhymes, conversation, monthly topic study, math, and community building


Activities that introduce and foster math concepts such as counting, using manipulatives, grouping, comparing objects, identifying first and last, and recognizing patterns and shapes.

Reading/Story Workshop

Diary writing, shared writing, book discussions, read-alouds.


Children set up, serve, and enjoy together.

Center Time

Children follow activities developed with all the intelligences in mind. Children play, discover and practice activities in many centers, such as the drama, art, science, library, and block building areas.


Children organize and clean the play areas.


Story Time

Outdoor Play

Playground time or time in the Middle School gym. On Fridays the students visit the Sag Harbor Elementary School playground.

Board of Education

  • Jordana Sobey, President
  • Diana Kolhoff, Vice President
  • Brian DeSesa, Trustee
  • Alex Kriegsman, Trustee
  • Susan Schaefer, Trustee
  • Chris Tice, Trustee
  • Yorgos Tsibiridis, Trustee

Board of Education Meetings

Meetings at 6:30 in the Pierson High School Library on the first and third Mondays of each month.


Regular attendance and participation in classroom activities are the keys to success in school. Plenty of rest and a healthy breakfast will help your child come to school prepared to learn. Once enrolled, regular attendance is required.

If your child will be tardy, we ask that you email your child’s teacher.

If your child will be absent, please call the school nurse at Pierson, Mrs. Comber, at 725-5302, Ext. 716, before the start of school. If your child is sick, please let us know why so that we may alert other parents if necessary.

A written excuse, signed by a parent, must accompany your child when they return to school.

Pre-Kindergartners should establish a pattern of good attendance. Attendance and punctuality are important for success in school. Please be sure your child does not miss one exciting minute of Pre-K by having him/her to school on time!

School Hours

Monday through Friday

Morning Students:

8:40 am – 11:20 am

Afternoon Students:

12:20 pm – 3:00 pm


For birthdays, we encourage parents to send in healthy treats—muffins or fruit instead of cupcakes. We also celebrate Global Birthdays, including Blanket Bumps (England), Earlobe Pull and a silly poem about the child (Hungary), Chair Bumps (Israel) Nose greased (Canada), Flour on cheeks and dance to reggae (Jamaica), and eat noodles with chopsticks (China).


Your child will need a backpack large enough to carry artwork and flyers from school, a refillable water bottle, and a change of clothes that can be used in case of a spill or bathroom accident. We ask that the clothes be sent to school in a clear Ziploc bag, labeled with your child’s name on the outside. Please supply us with a new set of clean clothes after an accident occurs.


You will be notified of all special school events and scheduled field trips prior to each. Parents are welcome to chaperone trips. A field trip permission form for walking trips will be filled out at Orientation Day in September. Field trips are for Pre-K students only. Family members may attend only as chaperones. Siblings may not participate in school sponsored field trips for safety reasons.


The Pre-K program is an active place to learn! Children paint, glue, play in sand, and play outdoors almost every day. Please dress your child in sturdy comfortable clothing that can get dirty so that your child can get messy without worrying. Make sure your child’s clothes are easy to pull up and down for bathroom needs. Belts are not recommended. We prefer sneakers over flip-flops or sandals. Flip-flops are not safe at school, on stairs, or outdoors. Please dress your child for the weather. Remember that we go outside every day unless it rains. Labeling is a must!


Depending on what’s happening, your child may bring home an example of what was discussed that day or a note regarding an event. Please discuss this information with your child when it is removed from the backpack. This will help us all stay connected.


Pre-K children enjoy snack each day with classmates. During snack, conversation between the children is encouraged. Students manage snack time by setting places and helping to serve. Water is available in the classroom and students re-fill their reusable water bottles when thirsty.



Please label backpacks and coats on inside tags. If anything is found outside or is left in the classroom, it will be returned for next day pick-up.


We invite all parents to attend First Fridays. On the first Friday of each month, for the first half hour of school, parents and special friends are invited to come into the classroom and spend time with your child, engaging in some of their favorite activities.


Pre-K teachers update and post information on a webpage for their classrooms. This online newsletter describes your child’s classroom experience and provides information about upcoming events. The webpage can be found by going to our District website and looking for the Teacher Websites tab. Find the elementary school teacher web pages. From there, click your teacher’s name. Teachers also use email to provide reminders, information and notices that are important to the program.

Parent Drop-off and Pick-up

If there is a change in your child’s pick-up arrangements, please send a note for confirmation of the change. Please understand how important your child’s safety is to us. We will not release your child to someone that we have not been made aware of. Your cooperation in this safety procedure is imperative. If a last minute change occurs, please call the Pierson Main Office at 725-5302. Your message will be given to the Pre-K teacher.


You and your child will be met in the bus loop on Division Street by either the teacher or teaching assistant. We request that you do not part in the bus loop. This area is reserved for quick drop-off and and pick-up only. At pick-up time children are dismissed through the playground gate. Please hold your child’s hand until he or she is safely in your vehicle.

All visitors to school must present identification at the front desk and wear an identification badge before entering any classrooms.

Medical Information

IllnessChildren should not attend school whenever they have any of the following symptoms: Fever (100° or above), vomiting, diarrhea, pink eye (conjunctivitis), impetigo, rash, copious mucous. Children must be free of all symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school. You will be contacted if your child becomes ill at school. Arrangements will need to be made to have your child picked up from school in a timely manner. Your child may not come to school with communicable health problems like: head lice, scabies, impetigo, ringworm, chicken pox, strep throat, pink eye (conjunctivitis) rubella (German measles). These communicable health conditions require medical attention. You may be asked to bring a doctor’s statement in these cases before your child may return to school.


  • If possible, please adjust your child’s medication schedule to allow you to give medicine at home.
  • Teachers are prohibited from dispensing any type of medication to your child.

Physical and Dental Exams

A physical examination of your child by your family physician is required within one year of the start of school for entrance to Pre-K. A dental exam is required by New York State for children entering Pre-K. Please provide documentation for both of these exams to Mrs. Reynoso prior to the first day of school.

Immunizations/First Aid/Allergies


A New York State approved written record of immunizations from your child’s health care provider is necessary for entrance to Pre-K. The required immunizations include: DPT, 4 doses (One must be given after 4 years of age.) Polio, 3 doses (One must be give after 4 years of age.) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (1 dose) Hepatitis B (3 doses) Haemophilus influenzae (hib) (1 – 4 doses) Varicella (chicken pox) (1 dose).

Check the CDC update for 2018/19 for the most current information.

First Aid

Children who receive a minor injury at school will be given first aid by the teacher or teaching assistant. If the injury appears suspicious or may become bruised, the staff will notify you immediately. Should a serious injury occur, we will contact the parent/family/emergency contact. The high school nurse, Ms. Comber (725-5302 ) will be called to monitor and provide care until help arrives.


Please alert your child’s teacher in writing to any food or environmental allergies your child may

have. In addition, please note any allergies on your child’s emergency card. Please keep us informed of any changes to this information as it occurs. This information about your child’s health will be shared with the Pre-K staff and school nurses to protect and keep your child safe. If your child has a particular food allergy, please send in snacks and celebration foods for occasions when they may not be able to eat what is being served at a party or during a cooking experience.

Should an EpiPen be required for your child, please alert Mrs. Reynoso so that an emergency plan can be made for your child with your consent.

Residency & Enrollment RequirementsTo enroll a new student you must bring the child’s original birth certificate, a copy of their immunization records, two proofs of residency, and a completed application to the Pupil Personnel Office located in Pierson Middle/High School. In addition, an enrollment application is required. All District residents are eligible for Pre-K.

Emergency Cards and NotificationThe District requires that you fill out an emergency notification card. The card provides valuable information at a moment’s notice in the event of an emergency. Listed on the card are emergency contacts and trusted adults that we may release your child to if needed. School personnel will require photo identification from anyone who isunfamiliar to the staff who may come to pick up your child. Home, cell, and work numbers for parents or other family members are also listed. The card is kept confidential in the Pre-K classroom. Please keep us up to date on any changes to this information. Cards will be available in September at the Meet & Greet.

School Closings

Changes to school schedules caused by inclement weather or other emergency conditions are announced on radio and television stations in our area. In case of a delayed opening, Morning Pre-K may be cancelled. In the case of cancellations or an early dismissal, you will be notified of the early closing by the District via text message, phone call, and email. Consult WLNG 92.1 FM, WALK 97.5 FM, and Channel 12 or the District website for the latest information.

Parent-Teacher Conferences & Progress ReportsParent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for December and May. You are encouraged to make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher throughout the school year if you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress. The bi-annual conferences provide an opportunity to learn about the school curriculum, get to know your child’s teachers, and learn ways to support your child. Progress reports detail your child’s growth and development in the areas of language arts, mathematics, personal/social skills, and motor skills; they will be shared with you at Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Sag Harbor Union Free School District

Mr. Jeff Nichols

Superintendent of Schools

Ms. Laurie Baum

School Business Administrator

Dr. Carleen Meers

Director of Pupil Personnel Services (PPS)

Mr. Scott Fisher

Director of Technology

Mr. Matthew Malone

Principal, Sag Harbor Elementary School

Ms. Betty Reynoso

Assistant Principal, Sag Harbor Elementary School

Ms. Michelle Grant

School Counselor, Sag Harbor Elementary School

Ms. Beth Kriegsman

School Nurse, Sag Harbor Elementary School

Mr. Jeff Nichols

Principal, Pierson High School

Ms. Brittany Carriero

Principal, Pierson Middle School

Ms. Margaret Comber

School Nurse, Pierson Middle/High School

Ms. Lauri Lavinio

School Psychologist, Sag Harbor Elementary School

Mr. Paul Wilken

School Maintenance Leader

Mr. Eric Bramoff

Athletics, Wellness Director

Sag Harbor Pre-Kindergarten
200 Jermain Ave.
Sag Harbor, NY 11963
631 725-5302
District website